Monday, October 24, 2011

A kind word...

Well it's Monday again, AND I have NO Diet Dr. Pepper.  So I am trying to get to lunch without incident, lol! :)

It was one of those weekends where I just constantly thought, did I dream that???  I know I asked B that about a million times over so many different things that happened this weekend.

My heart is heavy and I am praying for so many people.  I am listing a few and then there are others that will go in the unspoken category.

First, my Granny is not doing well.  She ran a high fever and was vomiting most of the night Saturday.  The hospice nurses had her transferred to a different place, and basically they are keeping her quarantined until she is over this and gets stronger.

Second, please pray for a friend of mine who they think her father has cancer.  My heart goes out to one wants to hear the words cancer.

Third, keep praying for Ashlynn and that we get the all clear on her.  The incision is looking SOOOO much better, but just keep praying for her.

Fourth, just pray for all the people we are friends with you are hurting, going through tough times, lost loved ones, are sick, or are battling other demons. 

On a different note:

I LOVE this:

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I have seen this numerous times over the years, and it always stuck with me.  But, it never really hit home until a little over a week or so ago.  I got a facebook message from a friend that I went to high school with.  It was the sweetest message talking about how much me being her friend meant to her during high school.  I was FLOORED.  I mean, I always viewed it as I was thankful she was my friend.  I mean she was smart, talented, and lots of fun to be around.  I never dreamed 15 years after high school (yes, I just told how long ago that was) that would still be a "bright spot" as she called it of her high school years.  So yes, it goes to show that you NEVER know how you treat someone will make a difference in their life.  I was so humbled by her kind words, and I thanked God that while I was being blessed by having her as a friend that He was blessing her too. 

I don't write this to boast or brag.  I just want everyone to realize that sometimes a kind word, smile, or hug can go a long way.  We never know 15 years from now how that impacted them.

Lots of love and big hugs to everyone!

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