Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pictures with Santa, and Family Pictures...

Here are some of the pictures with Santa and our family pictures...

Ansley was giving him a list of  EVERYTHING she wants! :) 

I have this very same book from when I was a little girl!

Ashlynn wanted to make sure Santa knew what she wanted, so she took the Toy Book with her to show him pictures!

I FINALLY got a good picture of me with the girls.  Usually it is Brian who gets the good ones!

I have to give a shout out to the AMAZING Stacie Hart.  She does the BEST photos and always has so many wonderful pictures that it is hard for me to choose my favorites!  Once again she didn't disappoint!  Here is a link to her website

Much love and big hugs from our house to yours!

So many Happenings...

Sorry, it has been such a long time since I have had a chance to blog.

To say things have been crazy is putting it mildly...some weeks I don't even feel like I have time to breathe, much less blog.

We had a great was different, but that isn't always bad.  There were some tears, but I think for the most part it was a Happy day filled with family, friends, and good food.

I still can't believe that it is half way through December.  Christmas will be here before we know it.

I promise to do a post with nothing but pictures soon...there are so many from pictures with Santa to parades, to riding the pink pig, to has been a fun filled few weeks.

I read several blogs and a few of them spoke to me.  I am adding a link to them, but they are so right.  Christ is the true reason for this season...everything else is just an added bonus.  Love this one
This one too

I have several prayer requests:

I am having a hysterectomy on Dec. 28th.  It has been a long time coming, and basically the doctor wouldn't let me put it off anymore!  So please keep us all in your prayers...poor Brian is going to be ready to pull his hair out.

So many people are hurting and going through difficult times.  I pray for peace for them in these circumstances.  We don't always understand why we are going through things, but we know that He has a bigger plan for all of us.

Also, for all who are sick.  So many people have cancer, long term illnesses, or just colds...but please pray for healing for all of them. 

I hope everyone has had a wonderful December so far.

Much Love and Big Hugs!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I don't know how much time I will have this week to do another I want to go ahead and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

I can't believe that it is already Thanksgiving week.  Where has the time gone?  This Thanksgiving will be different, and it will be hard.  But, I have so much to be thankful for and while I have wonderful memories of Thanksgivings past, I will cling to those who are still present and focus on making memories for my two sweet babies.

I read this last week, and Christy did such an amazing job on this.  You can really feel her heart and emotions in it.  I would love for each of you to read it.  I couldn't agree with her more, and she expressed so beautifully what I don't think I could say myself.  Please take a moment to read this if you haven't already! 

My wish for each of you is a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.  May you cherish the times with your loved ones, and hold each of them a little closer and tighter.  If you are traveling, please be safe and careful.  We will be on the road, but thankfully we don't have a long drive. 

If you are shopping on Black Friday, please be safe, and may you find great deals on everything you are buying...I will be one of the ones out there in the madness, along with Sharon (hopefully, we won't be creating the madness, ha ha).  So please, I beg you STAY out of our way, lol!  Just kidding, unless you are the woman who tried to take the GPS from us a few years ago, then I'm not kidding.  Ha Ha...sorry, seriously be safe and realize it is just stuff, there is no reason to fight or hurt someone or get hurt (Sharon, please read me this statement, as I am getting trampled at Target...I may or may not remember it at that point). :)

Hope everyone has a Blessed Thanksgiving.

Much love and Big Hugs to each of you!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The end of October, and moving on to November...

My how much changes in a little over a week.  When I posted the blog last Monday, I had no idea how quickly things would change.  I talked about wondering all weekend long if I had dreamed that...well that NEVER was truer than the events of last week.  I still find myself stopping and saying was that a dream, did that REALLY happen???

For those that don't know, my Granny passed away on October 25th.  She had been really sick, for a really long time, but I don't think you are ever ready to say goodbye...I know I wasn't.  I should have been prepared for that phone call that I needed to get there to say goodbye, but I wasn't.  It all felt like a dream, and that I was moving in slow motion.  I still find myself in disbelief about it, and then at the craziest times it hits me.  I am so blessed to have had her for 33 1/2 years, and I am so fortunate that until last week I was a rarity that had all 4 of my grandparents still alive AND they have all been married over 60 years.  What a legacy that is!

On one hand I am glad that it is a new month, but on the other it's November.  That means that the holidays are right around the corner.  They have ALWAYS been my favorite time of year.  But it just won't be the same this year...
I will cling to the sweet, sweet memories that I have, and I know she would want us to laugh and enjoy ourselves.  She LOVED Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it just won't feel like those things without her.

Please keep us in your thoughts and we get through this minute by minute, and day by day.  Thank God that we will see her again someday...I know she is having a blast in heaven with her parents, all her brothers and sisters, and all the other friends and family that are there.  We know that she is so much better off, she isn't sick or in pain anymore...Praise God that all things are made new again...

Christmas 2009

Much love and BIG Hugs to all!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A kind word...

Well it's Monday again, AND I have NO Diet Dr. Pepper.  So I am trying to get to lunch without incident, lol! :)

It was one of those weekends where I just constantly thought, did I dream that???  I know I asked B that about a million times over so many different things that happened this weekend.

My heart is heavy and I am praying for so many people.  I am listing a few and then there are others that will go in the unspoken category.

First, my Granny is not doing well.  She ran a high fever and was vomiting most of the night Saturday.  The hospice nurses had her transferred to a different place, and basically they are keeping her quarantined until she is over this and gets stronger.

Second, please pray for a friend of mine who they think her father has cancer.  My heart goes out to one wants to hear the words cancer.

Third, keep praying for Ashlynn and that we get the all clear on her.  The incision is looking SOOOO much better, but just keep praying for her.

Fourth, just pray for all the people we are friends with you are hurting, going through tough times, lost loved ones, are sick, or are battling other demons. 

On a different note:

I LOVE this:

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I have seen this numerous times over the years, and it always stuck with me.  But, it never really hit home until a little over a week or so ago.  I got a facebook message from a friend that I went to high school with.  It was the sweetest message talking about how much me being her friend meant to her during high school.  I was FLOORED.  I mean, I always viewed it as I was thankful she was my friend.  I mean she was smart, talented, and lots of fun to be around.  I never dreamed 15 years after high school (yes, I just told how long ago that was) that would still be a "bright spot" as she called it of her high school years.  So yes, it goes to show that you NEVER know how you treat someone will make a difference in their life.  I was so humbled by her kind words, and I thanked God that while I was being blessed by having her as a friend that He was blessing her too. 

I don't write this to boast or brag.  I just want everyone to realize that sometimes a kind word, smile, or hug can go a long way.  We never know 15 years from now how that impacted them.

Lots of love and big hugs to everyone!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Ansley!

Yes, I know we just did a Happy Birthday Brian post, but today Ansley turns 6!

I CAN NOT believe she is 6, seems like it was just yesterday we were waiting in that little room for them to take me back for the C-section...I don't think either of us realized how much life was going to change from the moment you came screaming into this world.  You were very vocal from the minute you were born...they all heard you in the waiting area, you were so loud.

Here are several pictures of our princess...

You have brought so much joy, happiness, and sassiness into our lives.  We thank God for choosing us to be your parents...We love you more than words can express, you will always be our little princess.

Love you to the moon and back,

Mommy, Daddy, and Ashlynn

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's the weekend...

Well almost! :)  It's close enough...

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Ours will be busy.  We are celebrating Ansley's 6th birthday this weekend! I can't believe she is almost 6.  I should have TONS of pictures next week of the party.  She choose to have a UGA cheerleader birthday party.  She is so excited about it.  What can we say???  She has been raised right...she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her Dawgs!  I think she is going to be so happy when she sees some of the gifts she is getting, a lot of UGA stuff to come!

Of course, we will be cheering on the DAWGS that evening.  Here's hoping that the DAWGS beat the Vols, if for no other reason, than for Ansley!!!! 

Hope everyone has a fun filled, and safe weekend.

Much love and hugs to everyone!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Brian!

Happy Birthday Brian!  We hope you have a wonderful birthday!  We all love you very much, and are thankful to have such a wonderful man in our lives.  You are such an amazing father, a loving and supportive husband, and a wonderful Christian man.

Here's a few pictures celebrating you!

Always will be a "kid" at heart! :)

Happy Birthday!  We LOVE you lots, to the moon and back, and "TTTTHHHHIIIIIISSSSS MMMMUUUUCCCCHHHH"!

Jennifer, Ansley and Ashlynn

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What a Wednesday!

WHAT A DAY!!!!  It has been a very LONGGGGGG, emotional day!

Praise God that the surgery was such a breeze.  She did really well, and they were able to get it repaired and the doctor feels like she should be back to normal in a couple of weeks!  Ashlynn was such a trooper...she "drove" herself on the tricycle to the OR.  She thought she was hot stuff getting to do that.   She didn't cry once and was all smiles at that point.  Mommy wasn't as good, but I didn't cry until they shut the doors leading to the OR, and we weren't able to go with her.  Ashlynn never saw the tears though...

The recovery room was a different story!  We got back there and she was SCREAMING!  I mean, so loud we heard her as we walked through the first set of double doors, had another set and 2 halls to go before we got to her! :)  She was MAD, MAD, MAD!  The first question to us, was WHY DID YOU LET THEM DO SURGERY TO ME (her words not mine- anyone who knows Ashlynn can hear that little voice saying this and giving us that "Ashlynn look")????  It hurts BAD!  Broke our hearts, but as soon as the Popsicle and Sprite got there and the IV was removed it was a new child.  Oh and not to mention the pain meds! :)   She was ready to go and calmed down once we were able to head home.  Plus she got her boots back, her gown back on and the bows back on her pig tails!  She was happy...

On the way home, we stopped to get her prescription filled.  My cell phone rings while we were waiting on the prescription, and it is Ansley's teacher.  Ansley is hysterical (uncontrollable screaming and much so that she made herself sick) and will not calm down.  This had been going on for over 30 minutes, so needless to say we headed to the school to get her.  They had to remove her from the classroom and had her sitingt in the office.  This was SOOOO NOT the child I thought I would get the call because they were sitting in the office.  Please say an extra prayer for her.  She is very emotional, and all the changes to our routine have thrown her for a loop. 

Both of them are finally asleep...that is a miracle itself right now.  Ashlynn is doing good...having some pain, but nothing too severe.

Here are a few pictures from today...

Ashlynn in waiting room before surgery

She wasn't too happy about the hospital gown.  She wanted her gown, but they did let her keep the boots on until time to go to the OR.

Riding to the OR.

We were so blessed by the staff and the experience we had at the surgery center.  They did everything in their power to make it as easy as possible for Ashlynn, and for us.  Not that anyone wants to have surgery, but I highly recommend it.  They went above and beyond for us today!

Thanks to each of you for all the call, texts, emails, FB messages/ posts, and especially for the prayers.  We definitely felt them.  We are so blessed to have you in our lives.   We are all exhausted, but don't have much planned but lots of snuggling and cuddling with Ashlynn on the couch for the next few days.  Please keep us in your prayers over the next few days as she is recovering!

Much love and lots of hugs!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Friday...

Whew, what a BUSY, BUSY week it has been.  I am so glad that it is Friday.  I am looking forward to spending some quality time with just the 4 of us this weekend.  Not a lot on the calendar, thank goodness.  I hope we can all rest and enjoy this weekend. 

I am LOVING this fall weather.  I really REALLY hope that the weather stays cool (not likely since we are in GA, but I can hope right???).  I have started burning some of my new fall candles this all the new fall collections.  They make the house smell great.  This is one of my favorite times of the year...of course it doesn't hurt that football season is in the fall either! :)  But, there's just something refreshing about fall, the changing colors of the leaves, the cooler weather, football, pumpkin patches, craft fairs, fall festivals, apples, I could go on and on...not to mention that fall means the Holidays are right around the corner! :)  I heard on the radio this morning that we are less than 100 days from Christmas!!!  I can't believe that...but it will be here before we know it! :)  Of course, that means that the ALL NIGHT THANKSGIVING SHOP-A- THON will happen in just a couple of months.  My shopping buddies, I hope you are, do we need to start the "Target Lady's Exercise Routine" now???  Lol...

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare for this upcoming week.

Hugs and much love to everyone!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


There is so much on my mind right now...I don't even know where to start.

We had a great long weekend.  It was nice to get away to the beach for a few days.  We had a great time, and really REALLY enjoyed Edisto Island.  It was an adventure to say the least, but the island was so relaxing and not commercialized.  It was a great place to escape.  I have lots of pictures to come, but not enough time today to get them posted.

Ashlynn's appointment is this afternoon at 3 pm.  I am a little nervous, but I have turned it over to God.  I know He is TOTAL control of this.

I have to say I am OVERWHELMED by the wonderful supportive friends we have.  We have each received numerous texts, phone calls, FB messages, emails, etc. letting us know that people are praying with us and for us, and that we are thought of today as we go to the surgeon.  GOD has blessed us with some of the GREATEST friends EVER!  I am truly humbled by the love, compassion, and prayers that are being sent our way.  Please don't think I am singling anyone out or trying to make someone feel bad for not sending something, that isn't the case. It is just amazing how God speaks to us through others at the  EXACT moment we need it the most.  GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!! 

I will keep everyone posted on the surgery details as soon as we know them.

Have a blessed day!

Love and hugs to all...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Four day weekend!!!~

WAHOO!!!!  Today is my Friday...I have a 4 day weekend, and honestly I can't wait.  It couldn't have come at a better time!  So looking forward to relaxing and spending some time with the family! 

I love my job, and I enjoy it (which is something until this job, that I had never felt).  Every other job was just something I had to go to pay the bills.  With that said, though I need this 4 day weekend to re-fuel and just de-stress.  We have had SOOOO much going on the last few months, and have MUCH, MUCH more coming up (Ashlynn's surgery, coupon classes, family reunions, Brian's birthday, Ansley's birthday, GA football games, the list goes on and on).  So I am looking forward to a nice weekend, with not a lot going on! 

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend, and please be safe!

Much love and hugs to y'all!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Not too many Happenings!

Sorry I haven't had a chance to update this...thankfully there are NOT too many Happenings with the Harvey's right now.

We go on September 6th at 3 pm to get all the details from the surgeon on Ashlynn's surgery.  PLEASE say a prayer for all of us.

She still isn't too happy with the limited activity...I swear some days it would be easier to wrestle with an alligator than to try to keep her still! :)  But, she is doing pretty great overall.  She is really being a trooper, and our nerves while still frazzled aren't as frazzled! :)  Ansley is being so sweet, and is trying to do things wiht Ashlynn that don't require running, jumping, etc. 

I think we are all ready to have this behind us though. 

On another Erin Condren life planner came last week!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  I am attaching the link to the one I purchased.  And for all of you going wow, that is crazy expensive.  I didn't pay that for mine...after all the discounts/ coupons.  BUT, when I oreder mine next year, I would GLADLY pay that.  I can't stress how awesome this planner is.  Keeps EVERYTHING in one place, and the color coded stickers help me keep the girls activities sorted.

Hope everyone is enjoying these last few days of August!  Can't believe September is just around the corner!  In case, I don't have a chance to blog again this week, hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing, fun filled, enjoyable, and SAFE Labor Day weekend!  Check back next week for pictures from our weekend. 

Much love and hugs!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prayers Please...

UPDATE:  Just talked to the doctor's will be tomorrow before we hear from the surgeon.  Our pediatrician has sent over the referral, but the surgeons office is waiting on the paperwork from our insurance company and the records from last night.

Just a quick post to fill everyone in...

Please pray for Ashlynn.  She had to go to the After Hours Pediactric Hospital last night.  She has an inguinal hernia, that has been caught early.  We saw her pediatrician this morning, and are being sent to a pediatric surgeon.  Currently, we are waiting to hear from them, but all indication is that she will have to undergo surgery to repair it.  

We are all doing ok, Brian and I have had our moments, but we are leaning heavily on our faith.  We know that God is in control.  The hardest part right now is waiting to find out when the surgery will be, and trying to keep a VERY active 4 year old on limited activity. 

Please keep Ashlynn, Brian, Ansley, me, the doctors, surgeon, etc. in your prayers.  I will post updates as we know more.

I can't say thanks enough for the outpouring of love we have already felt. 

Love , hugs and much gratitude to all!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Ok, so most of you know how much I DESPISE Wal-mart; and once I started the whole coupon thing it was even WORSE.  They changed their coupon policy a while back, AND they started accepting competitors coupons, matching other stores sales, and allowing overage (the value of the coupon can exceed the value of the product).  Over the last few weeks, I have been hearing how much success people where having at Wal-mart.  So I thought I would give it a try...

Last week Toys R Us had all Crayola items on sale B1G1 (Buy one get one).  There are several items the girls have been wanting and I thought this could be a great opportunity to get a few things to put up for Christmas.  I was a little worried that we would have "issues" when we went to check out, but it was so easy.  They gave us no issues, matched the sale, and took the coupons off the items.  I got $135 worth for $55.  I was pleased.

Some of the coupon blogs/ websites I follow starting reporting that Wal-mart had a ton of items on clearance that had coupon match ups.  So this afternoon we decided to go check it out.

Here is a breakdown of what I got:

4- Post It Flags $1.97 each- $7.88 total
4- Post It Note Pads $1.00 each- $4.00 total
4- 2 packs of Elmer's glue sticks $0.40 - $1.60 total
2- Ziploc Storage containers $2.12 each- $4.24 total
5- 2 pack Scotch Tape $0.75 each- $3.75 total
1- Welch's Grape Jelly -$1.68 total
1- Kraft Olive Oil Mayo- $3.58
1- Beach Paddle Ball Game -$3.00
2- Packages of 12  Papermate Pens -$0.97 each- $1.94 total
1- 18 Gallon tub- $4.50

Subtotal Before coupons:$ 36.17
Tax $2.32
Total Before Coupons: $38.49

Coupons used:
$1.50 off 2 Ziploc Containers - Manufacturer Coupon
$1.00 off Kraft Olive Oil Mayo- Publix Coupon
$1.00 off Kraft Olive Oil Mayo- Manufacturer Coupon
1-$2.00 off $10.00 Post it Purchase Manufacturer Coupon
4-$2.00 off Post it flags- Manufacturer Coupons
2-$1.00 of Paper Mate Pens- Target Coupon
2-$0.75 off Post it Flags- Target Coupons
4-$1.00 off Post it Note Pads- Manufacturer Coupon
2- $1.00 off 2 Elmer's glue sticks- Manufacturer Coupons
5- $1.00 off Scotch Tape- Manufacturer Coupons
4- $0.50 off Scotch Tape- Target Coupons

Total Coupon Savings: $30.00
Subtotal $6.17
Tax: $2.16

So needless to say I was really happy, and will be doing more shopping at Wal-mart.  Of course, Publix and Kroger are still my favorites, BUT I will be doing more shopping or should I say saving at Wal-mart! :)

Here is a picture of the items I purchased tonight:

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pictures from the first day of school...

Here are the first day of school pictures...

Ansley was so ready to get to Kindergarten!

Ashlynn would NOT put her lunch down!

Daddy with his girls

Mommy with her girls

Ashlynn outside her classroom!

Ansley outside her classroom!

I will be back at some point this week with a blog that has been a longgggg time coming.  Stay tuned...

Love to all, and hope everyone has a blessed week!

Friday, August 12, 2011

First day of school...

Wow, it was such an emotional day. 

Ansley woke up early (which for those who don't know...this is NOT our morning child, she prefers to sleep as late as she can)!  She was so ready for kindergarten!  Ashlynn on the other hand could have cared less, she was more concerned about breakfast and how long it would be before lunch at school! :)

Traffic wasn't bad, I was surprised and we were early to their classes.  Ashlynn walked right into hers like she owned it.  We had to call her back for hugs and kisses, but she has several friends in her class (God bless that teacher).  Then it was Ansley's turn.  She was a little clingy and not really sure about it once she saw all the other kids.  But, there was a friend of hers in her class so that made it better.  After lots of hugs and kisses it was time...TIME for us to turn and WALK OUT of the class and out of the school.  Umm, yeah I wasn't too keen on that part.  I was proud of myself, I totally didn't cry in front of either of them, only got teary eyed walking out of the school, and was a COMPLETE MESS by the time I got in the van.  I thought the hard part was going to be leaving the class, not driving out of the parking lot.  Are you kidding me, why didn't I realize that actually leaving the school was going to be such an issue!  I did ask B if we had to leave, he thought the school might mind us being out the parking lot all day.  Lol...not to mention he had figured out since it was only 8:20, he still had lots of time to go get him breakfast before having to be at work. 

I do have a peace about their teachers, the school, etc.  So I know it is going to be a great, I'm not dropping them off everyday, that's B's responsibility...I have never loved the fact that he has to be at work at 9 more than I do at this point!  :) 

I forgot to pack the cable to download the pictures from the those will follow at some point this weekend.  Sorry...I was just focused on not crying this morning and on NOT forgetting the camera.

I do need to give a shout out to my sister-in-law, Laurie, she called and talked/ cried with me on the way to work.  It was nice that she helped me through it.  Love ya girl! 

Also, thank you so much to all our friends who called, texted, emailed, or did all of the above to check on us this morning!  We are very blessed...

 Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am going to apologize in advance for this because it is going to be a bunch of ramblings...

As I sit here tonight so much is on my mind... 

First, we are REALLY, REALLY blessed.  We have two healthy kids, I have a wonderful/ supportive husband, the BEST family and friends we could ever ask for, and jobs that we both absolutely LOVE.  I am truly humbled by how good God has been to us.

Second, my heart hurts for a number of families we are close to who have either lost loved ones, are very sick, have family who are very sick, or who are just going through some really tough times.  I am praying for each and everyone of them.  I am thankful God carries us through these difficult times.

Third, I can't believe tomorrow is THE DAY.  Yes, I am emotional already, Ansley cried when she said good bye to her pre-k teachers this afternoon (it goes without saying that I was crying!!!).  I am excited about the girls starting school and all the fun that will bring, but sad that they are growing up so fast.  I know I have said it before, but they should still be babies...they will ALWAYS be our babies though.  I am so thankful that their teachers are christians, they are very strong women of faith, and they have been praying for their classrooms and the children who will be in their classes.  God is so good...what a blessing that these two women who will have such an impact on our girls lives and our lives are such faithful christians. 

Fourth, and totally random...I have found several knew blogs about organization that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  They have each inspired me, and I will be adding to our "binder" collection.  I know Brian is thrilled, lol.  These sites are helping me with our "Household Binder"...and yes, I will be making Brian the mini version (mainly the planner portions with the calendars and the girls schedules).  He shouldn't have the excuse that I didn't tell him what our plans were!  This binder has all kinds of great tools for keeping your household organized and planned.  There are things from schedules, to budgets, meal plans, etc.  I figured it would be nice to have everything in one place.  I LOVE my coupon binder and have used it like crazy.  I think it has even inspired a few of my friends to make their own.  I think this will be a good addition to that...

I know most of you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking are you kidding me, and that's ok too.  But, our lives are so busy and hectic right now I think this is going to be awesome for us.  We are constantly on the go and I usually have 10 lists going for all different kind of they will be all in one place!  YAY!  So I am going to try this for the next 3 months, and see how it goes.  I will post pictures after I get them made this weekend...

Fifth, thank goodness that college football and cooler weather are right around the corner!  Can I get an AMEN???  In case you were wondering...the Dawgs kick off in 23 days!   GOOOOOOO DAWGS!!! SIC 'EM!!!!!!  Yes, the Harvey's are ready with their game day attire...:)  See I told you this was going to be random thoughs and ramblings...:)

Finally, I will close with a few verses and quotes that I love:

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Romans 8:31

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?  One of my all time favorites!!!!

James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Back tomorrow with pictures of the first day of school!
Much love to you all!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


 This blog is mainly going to be pictures of things that we have done this summer.  I FINALLY had a chance to upload the 2000+ pictures from my camera to the computer!
But before we get to the pictures...PRAISE THE LORD, open house went well.  No tears, AND both girls got excellent teachers!  Yay...I have prayed so hard for them to get good teachers.  We are so blessed with the ones that Ansley and Ashlynn have.  Hopefully, it is an indication of how this school year is going to go!

Ok on with the pictures...

Beach with some great friends...

Then we had swim lessons...which was fun, but also made for some really long days...not to mention it was HOT.  Not sure we will do them again for as long as we did this year!

Ashlynn's 4th Birthday was was A LOT of fun...

Fourth of July was spent in Sevierville, TN.  It was fun, but very tiring...I think the girls were the most excited about seeing Santa at the Christmas shop.  They thought it was great to get to see him during the middle of the summer.  Just proves that he is always

Last in this post :) is Stone Mountain. We had a blast, well almost all of us had a blast.  Ashlynn liked it until the fireworks started and then she didn't want anything else to do with it.  We asked her if she would go back...she said yes, to dance and play on the lawn, but we would have to leave before that "show" started!  Gotta love that

Hope everyone has a great day, and enjoyed seeing some of the pics from our summer.